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Trainers 455, injuries 0

Ian Kim '27

Sep 27, 2024

With student-athletes prone to injuries in all three seasons, the invaluable contributions made by Andrew Myers, the Associate Director of Athletics for Athletic Performance (who is joined this year by new athletic trainer Tyler O’Mara) cannot be understated. Whether it’s a simple sprain or a lengthy rehab, Myers and the Athletic Trainer Center always have students’ backs—and knees, ankles, and shoulders too. The trainers are always hard at work with student interns to help athletes return to competing as fast as possible. 

Myers first started working at Mercersburg in 2011 as the Assistant Athletic Trainer. And a lot has changed for him since then. “I’ve obviously started as the assistant and have become more of a leadership role as Head Athletic Trainer,” he states. “And I’ve gained a lot of experience working as an athletic trainer in general. I’ve worked with a bunch of different students, athletes, teams, and sports, with sports medicine and strength and conditioning stuff.” 

His favorite part of his job is how, unlike an office job, he never knows when injuries might happen, and Myers finds that exciting. “Every day is different. A different kid can come in all the time, from different sporting events, games, practices.” 

Accompanying Myers are interns Sophie Oh ’26 and Piper Mathias ’26. They mostly assist in wrapping as well as helping to recover overall bodily athletic functions. Previous intern Germany Johnson ’25 described his time in the Athletic Training Center as feeling helpful, stating, “Using the knowledge I’ve gained while working [... there], I do hope to work in the sports medicine field one day.” He expressed his delight. “I do like it. I like the people too.” 

The biggest challenge Myers faced was the midyear departure last year of Leah Daniels, the previous Associate Athletic Trainer. However, he put an optimistic spin on it, stating, “It was kind of nice to see that I have the ability to take on everything at once, keep[ing] the ship running pretty cohesively. It was a good challenge.” Lauren Jacobs, the Director of Athletics, praises Myers, stating, “Mr. Myers did a tremendous job holding down the athletic training room by himself since January. He takes great pride in caring for our athletes.” 

A common theme emerged regarding Myers. “He’s really knowledgeable, and does a good job of communicating about injuries," Brian Canida, the school’s Fitness and Performance Coordinator states. Johnson added, “Mr. Myers is a great role model.” And Jacobs’ final comment resonates with all Blue Storm athletes and coaches: “We are lucky to have him.”

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