What day is it today? You might say it’s a Friday (finally). You might say it’s eat-your-leftover-valentine's-chocolate day. But this seemingly ordinary day, the 17th of February, marks a hugely significant day for our class of ‘23 friends… ONE HUNDRED DAYS UNTIL GRADUATION!
The Class of 2023 share their memories and anticipations as they await the day they will leave Mercersburg behind. “I can’t believe there’s only 100 days left,” said Day Kim ‘23, the only surviving senior in Fowle Hall. “My life is gonna change so much in these final few days.” Clare Ip ‘23 said, “I have loved participating in school traditions such as boxer bikini and paint the numbers.”
More seniors shared their own favorite memories, such as Irving-Marshall week, Chelsea Ward’s favorite. “Senior prank and skip day,” from Kalwa Tembo ‘23 (met with many nodding heads), and, “Whenever the Head’s Holiday happens,” according to Ellie Miller ‘23, another popular choice. “I’m looking forward to the Spring dance concert,” said Angela Watts ‘23, a PG, dancer and legendary “rainbow-pants” actress of recent show, Heathers. “My best memories were the Octet performance at the Fall Pops Concert, leading Inbound, and playing pool with my friends in the SSC,” said Matt Wang ‘23, referring to his ability to spellbind the entire front row of the Simon Theatre with his Baby Lock The Doors solo during the Fall Pops concert. Iconic fire-haired Heathers antagonist, Damien Dowling ‘23, finished with his favorite moments, “Mr. Malone’s cookie breaks and weekend speech.”
In terms of the future; Talia Cutler ‘23, quick-witted Opinion News Editor, is looking forward to “being in a dorm and not having to check in,” but “Declamation and leaving” are top of her favorite memories list. Heather’s leading actor and Mercersburg homecoming queen, Tyerra Rooffener, said, “Not having teachers watch my every move.”
“The senior class is great,” said Betsy Cunningham, the Senior Class Grade Dean. “I’m really proud of our class council. They chose the speaker for commencement this year,” she explained, “[and] they’ve got all sorts of things planned. We’re talking about bringing in some food trucks, something fun for the spring, and all sorts of different options.” She noted the class focus on service this year. “It starts the tradition of giving back to the school.” A month ago, the senior class held an all-school auction, which proved to be a huge success. “We ended up donating four hundred dollars to CASA, an organization in Hagerstown that helps people who are in abusive households.”
Not everything is smooth sailing for the seniors, though. “It’s a hard time of year,” Cunningham said. “For a lot of our kids, especially seniors, as college acceptances, or deferrals rule in, this emotionally can be a really hard time. There’s a lot of unknown, and the unknown can be terrifying. Helping my kids get through this time is something that is important to me.”
“I’m looking forward to senior spring,” Jamie Hyung ‘23 said. “Campus looks even more beautiful in spring and I would like to enjoy my last few months spending time with my friends outdoors.” Many seniors expressed their vision for the warmer season. “Squash nationals, bonding with my teammates, sitting outside with friends on a picnic blanket, walking to Food Lion… a lot of it is the little stuff,” Greta Lawler ‘23 reminisced. “Senior year is definitely a weird mix between feeling sentimental and super excited, so I think just make the most of every moment you have here.” “A meaningful thing I experienced at Mercersburg is simply being here,” Hongyu Jasmine Zhu ‘23 shared a beautiful reply, “Having learned to gives thanks to the sunny times, and when in struggles and tears, coming to find comfort in a nibbling squirrel, a thousand colors of the sky, and many warm hearts.”
In preparation for the rest of the year, Cunningham recommended, “Continue to be supportive of each other, and recognize and remember what Mercersburg has given to you,” She emphasized the true takeaway from Mercersburg. “There are a lot of good people here. This place, and these people, are going to be here to support you. It’s the people that matter; more than the classes, more than anything, it’s the connections.” To all the seniors, she left a note of contemplation: “In five years, when they reflect on their senior year, I hope they will remember everything that we are here.”