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Green Teens

Erika Tso Sowah '24

Oct 28, 2022

Mercersburg Academy’s Green Team is a student club focused on making Mercersburg more eco-friendly and sustainable. Each fall term, members of Green Team brainstorm new environmental initiatives to implement on campus. The club is composed of six co-leaders in charge of important decision-making. Each co-leader runs a committee, focusing on an issue they are passionate about, with student members of Green Team assisting them. Greta Lawler ‘23, co-leader of Green Team, said, “In addition to co-leaders, we also have a super strong group of dorm reps, who are responsible for expanding Green Team’s voice in the dorms and around campus.” 

Green Team is currently in the process of planning events for the year. Co-leader Andrew Leibowitz ‘24 said, “Right now we have a bunch of initiatives. One is creating a weekly newsletter to get Green Team info out. We feel that the school has historically been disconnected and uninformed with regard to school initiatives, so we want to make the Green Team more transparent. Another group is working on [the] Instagram account to help with that as well. One group is working to outline goals for our school centered around the UN goals for sustainable development.” 

Green Team has one prime sustainability goal they have decided to focus on this year. “This year, we’re focusing on energy and brainstorming ways to reduce Mercersburg’s energy usage,” said co-leader Cricket Tatone ‘24. The club also has several exciting events planned for the school year to increase school-wide student involvement. Emily Jiang ‘24 said these initiatives include “making Cheap Thrills a more frequent event, hosting a Green Team t-shirt competition, and sponsoring movie nights and gardening events.”  

Green Team is a club open to anyone who is interested in climate action and making Mercersburg more eco-friendly. Co-leader Devin Rotz ‘25 said, “Keep your eyes out for more activities for you and your friends to get involved with. It’s early in the year, but as the year progresses there will definitely be more activities and opportunities for everyone to get involved.” 

Not only can you make a genuine impact by getting involved in Green Team, but it’s also easy to join. Lawler explained, “Students can get involved in Green Team by reaching out to Greta Lawler, Grace Carter, Emily Jiang, Andrew Leibowitz, or Devin Rotz. Everyone is welcome at Green Team meetings, so if you’re curious and you hear a friend talk about going to a meeting, feel free to come and join! The Earth needs every one of us!”

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